Each of three typical organizational structures — the hierarchy, the matrix, and the flat structure — has been found to have an impact on strategic objectives and employee engagement. Here is a brief look at how and why the hierarchical structure may have an edge in fulfilling an employee's overall needs and, thus, the motivation to engage.
The lasting norms and assumptions that guide how, when, where, and why communication and specific behaviors take place in an organization -- corporate culture -- can serve as a powerful support to employee engagement solutions, regardless of whether the organizational structure is a hierarchy, a matrix, or a flat structure.
Examples of cultural norms include the manner of dress across a national beauty shop franchise, the amount of employee social talk in a restaurant franchise, or how formal or informal performance appraisals take place in a matrix of dental offices. Another example of a cultural norm is the way that work time is scheduled and paid, with some corporations allowing paid time off (e.g., for holidays) and others not. While two different cultures are clearly shown in that example, employers in both cultures can use various methods to promote employee engagement. Research indicates that paid time off as a company-wide cultural practice will support higher engagement, job satisfaction, and retention (
Corporate cultural support for strong employee engagement also includes the provision of:
There are dozens of activities that sail across cultures to enhance a sense of company identity. Employee engagement can be improved in any corporate structure. Here are five ideas that many companies have implemented (or plan to do):
Organizational structures show differences in their ability to garner employee engagement, the extent to which employees show commitment to the company and its goals. The commonly used hierarchical structure may have advantages over the matrix or flat organizational structure in facilitating employee engagement, with cultural supports having a major impact in any type of organizational structure. Many ideas for employee engagement activities can be found on the internet. For help with implementing employee engagement solutions tailored to your organizational structure and corporate culture, contact Debi Ford at Dunson & Associates for a free, no-obligation assessment and consultation on how to get started: (937) 854-5940, x 7.
References/Links for more information:
© 2021 Debi Carter-Ford is HRD Liaison at Dunson & Associates, an international speaker, and published author
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